Archive | February 2023

February 2023 report

The climax of our Capel Ladies Year was, as usual, our Christmas Social in the Vine Lounge. It being a wintry night with icy pavements, some of our loyal members didn’t fancy coming out, but nevertheless there was still a good attendance and the newly-decorated, comfortable Vine Lounge was a cosy place to be! There were no speakers organised, it was just a nice, sociable time for us to get together and enjoy a tasty bring-and-share buffet and sip a glass of something provided by the Club. There was a Quiz with mystery photos showing the past year’s activities and testing our memories of who and what had happened, and when. This was just for fun, but there was one particularly amusing photo requiring a caption, for which suggestions were invited from members. The winning caption was offered by Sue Maynard and Linda Morrison, who each won a chocolate treat.

Audrey Broadbent had bought prizes for a special Christmas Raffle and lots of people were lucky winners, and the Members’ Draw Prize of a Christmas Hamper, which had been put together by Wendy Keeble, was won by Di Barker, who announced that it was her first time as a winner in 38 years as a member of Capel Ladies Club!

As usual the tables looked very festive as we ate our party food, thanks to the Christmas table decorations made by Shirley Ward and Pat Bradford. Here’s to the New Year, with lots of fresh and interesting activities to look forward to! Make it your 2023 resolution to come and join us for more fun!