Archive | March 2023

April 2023 report

Cries of “Hi-De-Hi!” and “Ho-De-Ho!” could be heard coming from the Library during Capel Ladies Club’s March meeting! This was because David Webb, one of the Yellow-Coat Webb Twins from the TV sit-com, was our guest Speaker. His talk was about his life before, during and since the series was made, with many amusing anecdotes, film clips, photos and items of memorabilia to illustrate his story. Occasionally he even broke into song with a backing track accompaniment!

From an early age David had always wanted to go on the stage. He cut his teeth with Ipswich Operatic and Dramatic Society, and performed in several of their musical shows – such as Oklahoma, West Side Story and South Pacific, and also sang with his brother in local theatres and working men’s clubs all over the country. In one show at Clacton Theatre, they both forgot the words of a popular song simultaneously, and had to shuffle off the stage with their heads hung low. Somebody shouted “Don’t give up guys, keep going!” which, as it happened, they did, and they landed roles in one of the most popular British sit-coms of all time! This was filmed at a holiday camp in Dovercourt in September, once it had closed for the season. Apparently when they were making the pilot episode there wasn’t much in the way of expenses, so instead of staying in local hotels the cast had to sleep in rather damp beds in the camp’s wooden chalets! David says they were all just like a big happy family, and this must have been the case, as those who can still keep in touch with each other today! We all enjoyed this trip down memory lane in David’s company for the evening

Coming up we have a tea and cakes afternoon at Oranges & Lemons, East Bergholt, and our April “In” Meeting is a Social Night with games and a buffet. Then, in May, as a pre-Coronation treat, we have a “Coronation Stakes” horse-racing night with one of our favourite speakers, Barbara Faulkner! Lots to look forward to, why not come along? Members free, guests and visitors £4.

March 2023 report

Spring is most certainly on the way, snowdrops and daffs are appearing, and the evenings are drawing out gradually more each day!

After a very enjoyable evening watching the Orchard Players’ panto in January, Capel Ladies Club members are now looking forward to some of our up-and-coming activities in this year’s Programme. In March we have David Webb, one of the Webb twins from the hilarious TV sit-com, giving us a talk entitled “Life as a Hi-De-Hi Yellow Coat”. Then in April there’s a theatre trip to “Brief Encounter” at The New Wolsey Theatre, a Summer Social in June with music from Mr Smooth, who we’ve had to entertain us in the past, and a summer lunch out in July – venue to be arranged. In between we have a Games Evening with a buffet and several Coffee and Cake afternoons at different locations locally. Something for everyone, I think you’ll agree. Why not come along and join us? See details on website:  You’ll be very welcome!