Archive | April 2023

May 2023 report

Gary Egerton, our April speaker, hosting his Facts of London quiz

Seems such a long while ago now when some of our members met up at Oranges and Lemons for cake, coffee and a chat. It was good to catch up with everyone and to forget all about the wet, wet spring we had been having outside! It was also good to have a look around the shop, and handy for me in particular as I found the perfect birthday gift for someone while we were there!

It was a real shame about the poor turnout for our April Speaker, but what with several nasty bugs about and it being the day before Good Friday you could understand the reasons. Anyway, our Speaker, Gary Egerton, was lively and jovial as usual. After all, he is a qualified London Blue Badge Guide, and the Fun Quiz he gave was based on interesting facts all about the Capital. There were multiple-choice questions, so a lot of the time previous knowledge wasn’t essential – it was fun to learn stuff about the city that you didn’t know before. One item of interest was the story of Old Tom Parr, an old man from Shropshire who was meant to have lived for over 150 years, and who was buried in Westminster Abbey by the order of King Charles 1. The winning team of three, who scraped in by just one point, were Louise, Wendy and Mary, who won a box of chocolates. At the end of April, we have a theatre trip booked to see “Brief Encounter” at The New Wolsey, and in May we have a fun Horse-Racing session to mark the Coronation, when we will be wearing Red, White and Blue and enjoying a glass of something to celebrate! You are very welcome to come and join us, why not check out our website for more details?